Ubuntu | Thoughts | Landmark treaty agreed upon to establish marine protected areas in high seas

Landmark treaty agreed upon to establish marine protected areas in high seas

Back to ThoughtsLandmark treaty agreed upon to establish marine protected areas in high seasUbuntu Thoughts  /  Article  /  4 min readMarch 7, 2023 Author Callum Berry Content & Media Manager After nearly two decades of negotiations, UN member states have finally reached an agreement to safeguard seas around the world. The historic treaty, announced on Saturday night in New York after grueling non-stop negotiations, …

Ubuntu | Thoughts | Why the UN 30×30 agreement is a big deal

Why the UN 30×30 agreement is a big deal

Back to ThoughtsWhy the UN 30×30 agreement is a big dealUbuntu Thoughts  /  Article  /  7 min readDecember 20, 2022 Author Simon Lodge Founder & Strategic Creative Director Yesterday, approximately 190 countries approved a comprehensive United Nations (UN) agreement to protect 30% of the earth’s land and oceans by 2030 and to take other steps to address the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity, which is …