Ubuntu | Thoughts - Ubuntu Studio’s positive news round-up

Ubuntu Studio’s positive news round-up – Friday 25th February 2022

Ubuntu Studio’s positive news round-up

Ubuntu Thoughts  /   5 Min read
Friday 25th February, 2022
Ubuntu | Callum Berry, Author
Callum Berry
Content & Media Manager
Hello readers! We’re so close to the weekend, so grab a cup of deliciousness and join us as we deliver our positive news roundup of the past week.
Ubuntu | Thoughts - Ubuntu Studio’s positive news round-up

Fish are friends

In a move that will appease steadfast campaigners, Norway has finally blown up a dam that has blocked the Tramsa river for over 100 years.

Built in 1916, the seven-metre high dam in the small town of Fåvang, in Innlandet, east Norway, has not been in use for more than 50 years. The Tromsa is a tributary of the Lågen River, which feeds into Lake Mjøsa – Norway’s biggest lake. Campaigners say removing the dam will help fish in the area thrive again, including grayling, burbot, Alpine bullhead and common minnows.

As fish biodiversity is increasingly threatened by climate change and other external factors, it’s great to see the people of Norway take these steps towards increasing habitats in which fish can thrive once more.
Ubuntu | Thoughts - Ubuntu Studio’s positive news round-up

Shingles (but the good kind)

Solar roofs are close to becoming a reality! Yes we already have solar panels (someone’s family might have invested in the old fashioned kind in the early 2000s, causing their water pressure to plummet…) but companies across the U.S. (including Tesla) are now selling solar shingles – slats that fit on top of roofs.

Tesla highlighted that: “Solar Shingles are three times stronger than regular shingles, pay for themselves over time and look just like regular shingles” - stylish and eco friendly!

GAF energy has also just released their new line of Timberline Solar™ shingles in California, which claims to be the first nailable shingle. One of those things you didn’t know you needed until…well, now.

The world is hopefully headed towards sustainable energy sources, such as wind, hydro and solar power, so it’s great to see companies develop more accessible and innovative products like this (although we can imagine that the cost is going to stay relatively high in the short term).
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Ubuntu | Thoughts - Ubuntu Studio’s positive news round-up

Beauty and the wildebeest

A lioness in Tanzania has been captured on film seemingly showing affection towards a Wildebeest calf!

The Tanzania National Parks official Twitter account posted the video Monday in which a lioness is seen walking side by side with a plucky wildebeest calf half her size as she escorted the baby animal back to it’s herd in the Serengeti National Park.

Such behaviour is highly unusual, the spokesman for the Tanzania National Parks Authority told the BBC, suggesting that the lioness' maternal instincts must have overcome her natural predatory instincts.

Not much to say about this one, but it’s super heartwarming!

Well that was certainly an enlightening and interesting one to end on. We hope you enjoyed this week's PNR and have a great weekend!

Got an interesting story you’d like us to highlight? Feel free to send in your ideas to callum@ubuntustudio.co.uk and you could be featured in an upcoming PNR!
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